Volunteer – National Job Opportunities

If you or someone that you may know of is interested, please contact Steve Longeway at steve.longeway@gmail.com to learn how you can best contribute your time and expertise to help BPG to continue to keep the promise to our members first hand. A more detailed description of each position is available to those who are interested.


Director at Large – Legal Matters:

Your responsibilities as Director at Large – Legal would be to acknowledge and follow the BPG Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest policy and participate in the management and oversight of the affairs of BPG. Attend meetings of the Board of Directors (BOD) of BPG on a regular basis and serve on at least one BPG committee. The Director at Large – Legal, would be asked to advocate on behalf of the interests of the membership. You would be asked to participate in a knowledgeable and responsible manner in the decision making activities of the BOD. Provide strategic advice and guidance to the Board on pertinent issues based on your knowledge and experience and take on the responsibility for managing tasks as required at the discretion of the Board.


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