Notice to the Beneficiaries of Deceased 1998 Bell Canada Pensioners

This notice is for the beneficiaries of persons who were pensioners of the Bell Canada Pension Plan (“The Plan”) as of January 1, 1998, and who died in 1998 or thereafter.

The Plan, in consultation with its regulator, has re-calculated and increased the cost-of-living adjustment awarded to pensioners on January 1, 1998. No other pension calculation for any other year is affected.

To be considered for receipt of the additional payment, you must establish, with supporting documents, all of the following requirements:

    • A person was employed by Bell prior to 1998;
    • That person was retired and received a pension payment from the Bell Canada Pension Plan before January 1, 1998;
    • That person died after January 1, 1998;
    • You are the beneficiary of, or the estate trustee of, that person. Be prepared to produce estate documents, such as a will, to establish your legal status.

If you are the beneficiary of a 1998 Bell pensioner or a trustee to their estate, please call the Bell Canada Benefits Administrator from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. eastern time at 1-888-400-0661. Only the staff in the Benefits Administrator’s office can assist. Please do not contact any other Bell number or address.

en_CAEnglish (Canada)