Who We Are

BPG is a team of Bell retirees and employees who volunteer their time to represent all Bell pension holders with Bell Canada and its affiliates.

What We Do

Ensure the health and well-being of our pension plans.

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Celebrating 25 Years…

Enjoy this short clip that describes major milestones and some key individuals that were instrumental in the successful formation of BPG. Share with your friends and colleagues.

Latest News

BPG Open to DC Members

BPG now open to DC members: BPG is now open to Defined Contribution (DC) pensioners and employees with a minimum of 15 years of service. Encourage your friends and peers to join. Join BGP - Bell Pensioners Group / Groupe Pensionnés Bell Le GPB désormais ouvert aux...

BPG is 30 Years Old

2025 marks the 30th anniversary of the founding of BPG. Check out our key milestones on the BPG website at: Our Story Milestones - Bell Pensioners Group / Groupe Pensionnés Bell. BPG has been integral in protecting your pension. We now offer a very competitive travel...

Le GPB a 30 ans

2025 marque le 30ème anniversaire de la création du GPB. Découvrez nos principales étapes sur le site web du GPB à l'adresse suivante: Our Story Milestones - Bell Pensioners Group / Groupe Pensionnés Bell. Le GPB a joué un rôle essentiel dans la protection de votre...


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