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If you selected the e-Transfer payment option, we will send you an invoice with the selected membership term and Money Transfer information.
If you selected the Cheque payment option, send your cheque (including your name and email address) to the address of Chapter you have chosen:
Atlantic Chapter
Aliant Atlantic Chapter,
P O Box 29013 St. John’s,
NL A1A 5B5
Montreal Chapter
Bell Pensioners’ Group
C.P. 99076 BP du Tremblay
Longueuil QC J4N 0A5
Ontario Central Chapter
Bell Pensioners Group Ontario Central Chapter
P.O. Box 5 Station “D”
Etobicoke ON M9A 4X1
Ottawa East & North On Chapter
Bell Pensioners’ Group
P.O. Box 41132
Elmvale P.O.
Ottawa, ON K1G 5K9
Quebec Chapter
Groupe des pensionnés de Bell
C. P. 65011 Succ Bureau-Chef
St-Augustin-de-Desmaures Qc G3A 1V9
Southwestern On Chapter
Bell Pensioners’ Group
Southwestern Ontario
P.O. Box 43014 Highland PO
London ON N6J 0A7
Télébec Chapter
Groupe des pensionnés de Bell
58 rue Bourgade
Val d’Or QC J9P 0B9