Everything you need to know and do to have a bon voyage!
When you’re ready to travel, make sure you really are ready. Use our handy travel checklist and tips to help make sure you’ve thought of everything to keep your family and your assets safe!


Protect Your Home
  1. Call your property insurance company to tell them when and for how long you’ll be away. Ensure that your coverage will remain in place.
  2. Have someone pick up your mail daily so that it doesn’t accumulate or have Canada Post forward or hold your mail delivery for the duration of your trip.
  3. Place indoor lights and radios on timers to give the impression of people moving throughout the home.
  4. Install a wooden or metal jam in sliding doors and windows.
  5. Block off all pet doors; these are frequent points of entry by thieves and critters.
  6. Empty out your refrigerator and freezer.
  7. Notify your home security company that you’ll be away.
Your Protect Your Property
  1. Drain the hose and shut off the valve inside so pipes won’t burst.
  2. Arrange for someone to shovel your driveway and sidewalk and brush snow off vehicles in your driveway.
  3. Have a trusted neighbour, friend or relative go into your house periodically to ensure everything is in good order.
Protect Your Health
  1. Get travel insurance to protect yourself against the cost of unexpected illness or injury while on vacation.
  2. Strongly consider travel insurance which covers you for COVID-19 related expenses.
  3. Get your annual flu shot.
  4. Get vaccinated against COVID-19 and carry your proof of immunization.
  5. Download and use the ArriveCAN app, which is now required by border services, to upload your vaccination details and quarantine contingency plans prior to travel.
  6. Some countries don’t accept travellers who have received certain vaccines or mixed vaccines. Check the vaccine requirements of your destination country, cruise line, or venue in advance, as international travel requirements continue to evolve.
  7. Bring prescription eyewear and carry a copy of your prescription with you .
  8. Bring an ample supply of all of your medications, and keep them in your carry-on, never in your checked luggage.
Protect Your Finances
  1. Call your bank and credit card companies to let them know where you will be and for how long.
  2. Double check the expiry dates on your credit cards before you go and renew as needed.
  3. Take more than one credit card in case one gets lost or stolen.
  4. Set up pre-authorized payments or online payments for your utilities and other bills.
  5. Photocopy your bank and credit card information including customer service phone numbers and keep them separate from your cards.
Protect Your Pet
  1. Have your veterinarian give your pet a check-up prior to leaving.
  2. Check the entry regulations for pets in your destination country.
  3. Microchip your pet in case you become separated, or your pet gets lost.
  4. Make sure their immunizations are up to date and carry proof of immunization.
  5. Bring an adequate supply of food, medication and water for your pet.
Protect Your Travel Documents
  1. Pack and bring your passport or Canadian citizenship card.
  2. Pack and bring your airline tickets or have them on your cell phone.
  3. Check your passport to ensure it’s still valid; renew in advance if necessary.
  4. Some countries require your passport to be valid for 6 months after your return. Double check your destination country’s requirements.
  5. Photocopy all your travel documents and keep them separate.
Protect Your Trip
  1. Double check to make sure there are no travel advisories prior to leaving at www.travel.gc.ca
  2. For some countries, like Cuba, travel insurance is mandatory. Find out if your destination requires travel insurance and purchase it in advance.
  3. Choose all-inclusive plans which protect you against trip cancellation or interruption, baggage loss and more.

If flying:

  1. Double check that your flight is on time before leaving.
  2. Carry undergarments and a change of clothes plus your medications in your carry-on.
  3. If you have disability needs, such as the use of a scooter, wheelchair or service animal, call your airline ahead of time
  4. Pack extra masks and hand sanitizer
  5. Bring supplies to lightly clean and sanitize your surroundings

If driving:

  1. Purchase emergency roadside assistance
  2. Get a tune up for your vehicle prior to leaving
  3. If your vehicle breaks down, remain inside with doors locked. Lower windows only enough to speak or ask for help
  4. Cover items you leave in your vehicle overnight with a blanket or put them in the trunk

Whether flying or driving:

  1. Pack your cell phone charger; consider carrying a backup phone in case you lose your primary phone or it becomes damaged
  2. Never leave valuables or cash unattended in your hotel room or car
  3. Use safety deposit boxes where available for travel and other documents
Protect yourself against COVID-19

COVID-19 recommendations are constantly changing and evolving; visit www.travel.gc.ca for the most up-to-date advisories and guidelines.


During these uncertain times, it makes good sense to travel with the benefit of travel insurance, to help cover costs which might be incurred by unexpected injury, illness, trip cancellations and more while travelling abroad.

Visit our link for more information about our speical plans for Bell Pensioners’ Group members!

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